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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Luke is finally 100% potty trained!

I have battled with Luke and going poop in the potty for several months now, and finally a few weeks ago we got him to actually go in his potty. Now he loves to go on the potty and we don't have to put a pull-up on him just to go poop, which was driving me crazy. It wasn't for lack of trying on his part though. Luke would sit on the potty and try, and a few times he sat there for like an hour. He told us nothing was happening and it would not come out. I backed off the going poop in the potty a little, and gave him a little more time and it worked!!! He is completely potty trained and he is not even 3 1/2 yet. From what I hear that's not too bad for boys. He even doesn't mind using public bathrooms either.