
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Luke's Sleeping adventures

We have found Luke asleep on our stairs for a second time now. The first time it happened we were having a horrible storm with lots of thunder and lightning. The thunder was so loud it rattled the windows. I didn't even think about taking a picture then, because I was so caught up in the moment of Keith finding him asleep on the stairs, and I wanted to get him in bed. I made sure the second time I grabbed the camera and took a few pictures. Its so cute, but makes me feel a little sad at the same time! I guess we need to check on him about 30 minsutes after we put him to bed. The thing is he is not coming out of his room right away, he is waiting a little bit and then very quietly sneaking half way down. We can't figure out if he sits on the step and then falls asleep or if he lays on the step and goes to sleep.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Luke before we cut his hair again

Here are some pictures of Luke that were taken in California in April. My very awesome friend who I love, Jane was kind enough to take some pictures for us. We cut Luke's hair at the end of April when we got home from spending Easter with the family.