
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 15, 2008

New words

Luke has had an explosion of words from spending time around his older cousins and watching baby sign and time Dvds this summer. Now, if he hears a word he is trying to say it. I have reminded everyone to choose your words carefully. I have said shoot a couple of times when I have dropped things and now, Luke has said it when something falls or he drops it. I am happy he is talking and communicating with us and letting us know what he wants. In March his Dr. had him and his hearing tested to see if there was a problem. His hearing came back normal and he tested high on the charts, because his nonverbal communication was so high. I was worried because all the children his age and a little younger were saying so many things and Luke was not. He would say things and then regress and not say them ever again. They had suggested to teach Luke sign laugage to help him communicate what he wanted better. I have to say thanks to my nieces and nephew and baby sign and time DVDs for helping Luke talk better!

1 comment:

Allison said...

It's so hard when they start repeating everything!!! Sammy started saying stupid TV or stupid toy because DADDY says stupid all the time. Ugh! Sorry that I didn't check your blog in time to find out that you were here! I'm glad that you found a place to live!!!